Looking to improve your skills on a wide range of business topics? Look no further as Vubiz has you covered with a wide range of courses including topics like communication skills, business writing, project management and much more. Check out the list of online courses below.
This Acting Effectively on a Team online training course was designed for all employees and supervisors. This course will help you contribute more effectively to your team and help your teammates do the same. It will expand your understanding of the challenges teams face and what you can do to overcome them.
This Board Behavior online training course is designed for new board members and other employees who aim to become board members. Working as a team is challenging, and it is no different when it comes to an organization's board of directors. Group cohesion in vision, mission, and action is critical. A high-functioning board trusts each other while being unafraid to face challenges together to achieve a common goal. This course highlights how to overcome issues in board dynamics, which will enable boards to be effective and efficient.
This Business Continuity Planning: An Overview online training course is designed for employees in all industries with responsibilities for maintaining business functions and processes. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a comprehensive strategy to ensure the continued operation of critical business functions and processes in the event of disruptions or disasters. Learn about identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, assessing their potential impact on business operations, and developing strategies and procedures to mitigate those risks and maintain continuity.
This Business Etiquette: Accelerate Your Career online training course will introduce you to business etiquette principles and practices. This course will show you how they can be applied in typical business situations to put yourself and others at ease. Business Etiquette improves your chances of advancement and benefits your organization.
This Business Writing – Being Effective online training course shows you precisely how to jump from planning a business message to the actual research, writing, and revising of the message. You will learn formal and informal methods of conducting research and generating ideas; how to organize your information; how to write a solid first draft; and how to edit it for accuracy, proper grammar, and syntax.
This Business Writing – Reports and Proposals online training course is designed for business owners, managers, and employees. This course presents techniques for writing two crucial business documents—proposals and reports. It covers various types of business reports and proposals and outlines the basic components of each kind of business report and proposal in use today.
This Cloud Computing: An Introduction online training course introduces learners to the exciting world of cloud computing and will learn to define cloud computing. The learner will explore how cloud computing evolved, describe how businesses can benefit from cloud computing, draw attention to the risks of cloud computing, and conclude with the practicalities of its implementation.
This Communicating as a Team online training course is designed for all employees working within a team.
Organizations today are leaner and flatter, and they increasingly rely on employee teams to handle projects. Therefore, communication within teams is crucial to an organization's success. This course helps you develop more powerful, effective team communication skills, and acquaints you with techniques.
This Communicating Cross Culturally online training course is designed for employees in the workplace. The workplace has changed dramatically in the past few decades. These changes have brought people from diverse cultures together and created workplace communication difficulties. This course provides a broad overview of problems and solutions for cross-cultural workplace communication.
This Communicating Non Verbally online training course is designed for all employees and explores how the signals projected through body language impacts the message you deliver. This course provides an introduction to the meaning of signals projected through body language. By learning the techniques presented in this course, and developing your communication skills, you can become a more effective communicator.
This Communicating Persuasively online training course is designed for all levels of employees – including sales and marketing staff. This course presents techniques in the art of persuading others. It shows you how to use the 3-x-3 writing plan to organize and compose persuasive internal messages, sales messages, news releases, claims and adjustments, and action requests.
This Communication Basics online training course is designed for employees, employers, and business communicators and explores the communication process and how you can send clear and consistent messages. This course will introduce you to the basics of effective communication so you can be on your way to having greater confidence in your ability to make sure that your messages are understood.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Compétences en présentation comprend des techniques pour vous aider à déterminer ce que le public veut et ce dont il a besoin, des méthodes pour évaluer ses besoins, et une structure pour organiser et mettre en forme une bonne présentation. Avec une préparation adéquate, vous pouvez faire en toute confiance une présentation qui captivera votre public.
This Cross-Cultural Training online course explores the process of identifying cultural differences and addressing them effectively. Whether you’re traveling or working in a foreign land, or whether you have someone from a different country working within your organization, identifying cultural differences accurately and adapting to them is the key to communicating effectively in the workplace.
La retroalimentación es un proceso por el cual el desempeño efectivo es reforzado y se corrige el desempeño no deseable. Este curso proporcionará a usted estrategias para dar retroalimentación efectiva que sirva como una herramienta para aumentar el rendimiento y la moral.
This Delivering Effective Feedback online training course was designed for employees seeking to grow in a management role and managers who want to develop their leadership skills. This course will provide you with strategies to give effective feedback that serves as a tool to enhance performance and morale within the company.
This Developing A Strong Leadership Team online training course delivers the key elements of how to create a leadership team that is a model for the rest of the organization. This provides practical tools and methods to create and maintain a shared vision, define roles and responsibilities, and determine mutual goals and priorities.
This Email Etiquette online training course is designed for all employees and explores the best practices for using email effectively and efficiently and presents five principles of good communication that will improve the quality of your email and ensure that your messages have the desired effect. Learn how to format an email; strategies for managing email; and how to apply the principles of good communication to email.
This Enhancing Your Speaking Skills online training course is designed for anyone who needs to improve public speaking and oral presentation skills. This course contains information on visual aids, verbal signposts, and planning and organizing material. Your self-confidence will increase as you master your material and learn effective, successful public speaking methods.
Ce cours examine les éléments les plus importants d’une supervision réussie, en portant une attention particulière sur les individus et les compétences organisationnelles.
This From Peer to Supervisor online training course is designed for supervisory employees. This course will help you make the transition from being a peer to managing the people you used to work with. We will give you strategies for handling the move from co-worker to supervisor and review some responsibilities that new supervisors find challenging.
The Fundamentals of Ownership Thinking online training course will explain the importance of ending cultures of workplace 'entitlement' while taking the learner through the exciting and revolutionary Ownership Thinking methodology. This course will explore will basic financials to your employees, the basics of the Ownership Thinking Model, and how to identify Key Performance Indicators.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Gestion de projet a été conçu pour les gestionnaires de projet et les employés participant dans le processus de gestion du projet. Une connaissance de base de la gestion de projet peut apporter de la valeur aux personnes et aux parties prenantes de l'organisation. Les quatre modules de ce cours vous aideront à mieux comprendre les principes fondamentaux de la gestion de projet et à améliorer vos compétences.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Gestion de projet : Comment se préparer a été conçu pour les gestionnaires de projet et les employés participant dans le processus de gestion du projet. Vous apprendrez comment diviser un projet en plusieurs phases afin de mieux contrôler des éléments livrables d’un projet. Le cours aborde divers sujets tel le cycle de vie du projet (PLC), les éléments livrables, les structures de support organisationnelles et les influences organisationnelles clés pouvant affecter un projet.